Simply Bread (under the O-U) it comes to fine breads, Phoenix Frum Community (and the community at large for that matter) is in a league of its own. Simply Bread opened last year. Started by an award winning baker, its breads can be found at most Kosher stores and even non-Kosher ones.
There is a bread bar at the place itself (not to far from New York New York, a Shomer Shabbos barber on 23rd and Indian School). There is rumor of a cafe being opened by them, more if it becomes anything down the road.
The Bread Bar Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
2117 N 24th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Phone: (602) 244-1778
link on site to where to get bread other than at the bakery itself: