Shiur 3: 3a/3b
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Halacha from the Daf:
Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - 49 Total or 7 by 7?
Tosfos, according to our version, rules that a sukkah that its length is longer than seven handbreaths, yet its width is less than seven would still be valid. It would seem that a sukkah that has over fortynine square tefachim would be valid. There is a version in Tosfos, brought down on the side of our Gemoros that disagrees with this and holds that a sukkah must have seven tefachim by the length and the width.
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Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Sukkah Corners
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Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Tableless Sukkah
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Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Mitzva of Maakeh
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More: Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Highlights
Q&A regarding Helena story, why not just remove the walls?
Q&A regarding the word Posul, isn't it posul to use the word with d'rabanans?
Written Shiur 3a
Daniel Z Feldman
The Power of the Rabbis to Override Torah Law (Yesh Koach B’Y’dei Chachamim L’Akor Davar Min HaTorah B’Shev V’Al Ta’aseh)
More tomorrow...
Halacha from the Daf:
Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - 49 Total or 7 by 7?
Tosfos, according to our version, rules that a sukkah that its length is longer than seven handbreaths, yet its width is less than seven would still be valid. It would seem that a sukkah that has over fortynine square tefachim would be valid. There is a version in Tosfos, brought down on the side of our Gemoros that disagrees with this and holds that a sukkah must have seven tefachim by the length and the width.
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Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Sukkah Corners
The Magen Avrohom 634 rules that if one has a corner in a large sukkah that does not have seven square tefachim, one cannot sit in that portion of the sukkah for the space is too cramped to sit comfortably. He sites our Gemora as proof to this, for the compartment where Hilni was sitting was not deemed as part of the large sukkah.
Biur Halacha quotes the Bikurei Yaakov as asking on the proof...
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Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Tableless Sukkah
The Gemora concludes that Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue in two cases. They argue as to what is the minimum size a sukkah can be to still be valid. Beis Shamai holds that the sukkah must be large enough to contain the person's head, a majority of his body and the table. Beis hillel maintains that it is sufficient even if it cannot contain the table. They also argue on a large sukkah that is next to a house and the table is in the house. Beis Shamai states that one does not fulfill his mitzva in this manner for there is a concern that he will be drawn after his table, which is in the house and Beis Hillel disagrees...
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Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Mitzva of Maakeh
The Gemora states that if one has a house that is less than four amos squared, he is exempt from building a fence around the roof, for this is not considered a house. The commentators ask that it is still a stumbling block and if one doesn't build a fence there, it will endanger people's lifes? The Gemora in Bava Kamma 15b learns from the passuk of lo sasim damim beveisecha that one should not raise a wild dog in his house or a rickety ladder. Shouldn't he be required to build a fence here because of the possibility of someone falling?...
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More: Daf Yomi - Sukkah 3 - Highlights
Q&A regarding Helena story, why not just remove the walls?
Q&A regarding the word Posul, isn't it posul to use the word with d'rabanans?
Written Shiur 3a
Daniel Z Feldman
The Power of the Rabbis to Override Torah Law (Yesh Koach B’Y’dei Chachamim L’Akor Davar Min HaTorah B’Shev V’Al Ta’aseh)
More tomorrow...
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