B'Soch Ha'Emek

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Shiur 2: Sukkah 2a/2b cont.

Other Places to Here the Daf:
The Orthodox Union: http://www.ouradio.org/daf/P96/
DafYomi.org: http://www.dafyomi.org/index.php?masechta=succah&daf=2a&go=Go
HaDaf HaYomi (Meorot HaDaf): http://hadafhayomi.co.il/index.php?l=en&a=homepage/archive&id=44&shortcut=1

Great Resources cont.

Daf Yomi Digest for Sukkah 2: http://dafdigest.org/sukkah/Sukkah%20002.pdf

Halacha for Sukkah 2: http://jbuff.com/Sukka2.pdf

Interesting Question and Answer about the comparision of Mavoy and Sukkah in Daf 2a

Interesting Question and Answer about what does it mean that the walls reach the S'cach: http://www.mail-archive.com/daf-discuss%40shemayisrael.co.il/msg01120.html

It states in Succah 2a, the pasuk from Isiah (4:6) that is basis of the opinion of R' Zeira regarding the reason why the Sukkah cannot be more than 20 amos tall. Later, this is disregarded by the other two opinions on the next amud (though R' Zeira has a backing based on the wording) as incorrect due to the pasuk describing the times of Moshiach. Rabbeinu Chananel has a note on this in the bottom corner of 2a (v'R Zeira sukkah limut hamashiach he. Klomar... asbout 10 lines from the bottom), for English see Artscroll Schottenstein Edition 2b1, note 4.
The following drasha explains this idea further amongst related ones:
http://dafyomi.shemayisrael.co.il/parsha/archives/sukkos1.htm (section IV quotes from Sukkah 2a the 3rd opinion of Rava interstingly enough too)

R' Shlomo Singer has a b'iyun shiur collection YU's site. Beginning with this http://www.yutorah.org/remoteShowShiur.cfm?shiurID=716353
You need the Ran to follow along. Analyzing the Mishna's Sun v. Shade matter (2a), Rashi's comment on them by the Ran, mentions other sources too.


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